Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Food research

What did I do?
In order to better prepare myself for cooking and eating healthy, I researched various topics via search engines/databases about food.

What did I learn?
Besides the actual cooking, preparing the food cleanly is just as important as cooking the meal. Maintaining a sanitary kitchen environment and cleaning food properly reduces risk of illness.
An area of focus for me was on nutritious foods like fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, fresh fish, whole grains, and low-fat diary products. One video I watched taught me how to read nutrition facts and how to apply the labels to my daily intake of food.
My new favorite low fat, low carb food is pistachio nuts, they have a very high serving size (usually around 50) and are filling. Other foods I have researched that have proven to be healthy are eggs, pink grapefruit, low-fat riccotta or Greek yogurt, and oatmeal for breakfast foods. Healthy, filling meals for later in the day are baked potatoes and pastas. Healthy comfort foods are almonds (along with oats and other nuts), broccoli (along with avocado), and turkey jerky.
I also learned the dangers of artificial sweeteners (like aspartame, splenda, and saccharin, and how brain and heart health benefit from similar foods, nutrients, and behaviors.

Total time: 3 hours

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you learned a lot about various foods and how healthy they are.
